The Scientific Division, as one of the seven divisions in KRAMA this year, has successfully implemented its work program, namely PENSIK or fun research. The activity, which lasted for three days and two nights, start from 05 until 07 July 2024, took Kusamba Village, Dawan District, Klungkung Regency as a research place. The use of Kusamba Village as a research location is due to the large amount of maritime potential it has, besides that not much ethnographic research has been carried out in this village. Furthermore, during the activity we borrowed a place at SDN 1 Kusamba as a place to stay during the activity.

The essence of holding this PENSIK activity is to accommodate the creativity of Cultural Anthropology students Udayana University in developing and honing their abilities in conducting ethnographic research, even in a relatively simple domain. As the name suggests, PENSIK does not only focus on academic research activities, as the name suggests, "Fun Research", apart from conducting research, participants can also do other fun activities such as traveling, culinary delights, and exploring new places at the research location.

Regarding the participants, in this year the participants of PENSIK came from active Cultural Anthropology students at Udayana University, from class of 2022 and 2023. The total number of participants was approximately 22 people, this number certainly exceeded the committee's initial estimate of around 15-20 participants. This relatively large number of participants shows the enthusiasm of Udayana University Cultural Anthropology students in exploring their potential by utilizing their free time during the semester holidays. Regarding how this activity works, it can be said that the step to step implementation is relatively simple. Administrative parts such as correspondence and licensing requirements are handled directly by the committee. The participant recruitment process is carried out by distributing open recruitment pamphlets on the study program's social media accounts. Participants who have fixed their participation in the activity then complete a letter of parental consent as a form of accountability if something undesirable happens during the activity. On the day of the activity, all participants accompanied by the committee and KRAMA core departed from the FIB Nias Campus to SDN 1 Kusamba carrying their own personal equipment that might be needed during the activity. While at the research site, the participants were divided into several teams and then went directly to the field to look for data and supported by some documentation related to the topic that researched. The output in the form of ethno photographic writing from PENSIK will be published as the rubric of The People's Magazine IV Edition with its theme "Segara Mandala: Stories in The Waves".

The author also received several positive opinions regarding of PENSIK this year, both from participants, the committee, and other related parties such as the head of Kusamba village and the head of SDN 1 Kusamba. From the participants, this activity was considered to be very helpful in getting used to going directly into the community, adapting, and then producing a simple ethnographic writing which in the data collection process was carried out in a relaxed and enjoyable manner, but still effective and systematic. The head of Kusamba village said that research like this is a form of our sensitivity to the potential of local wisdom whose existence is increasingly being forgotten. Through research activities, the village hopes that researchers can have a positive impact for the location, community, and the potential that being researched. Furthermore, the principal of SDN 1 Kusamba also supports the implementation of PENSIK activities by being very open in providing living facilities. (n)