Anthropology FIB Unud Holds Seminar on 2022 PPPM Results

On Friday, March 11 2022, the last series and closing of the 2022 Research and Community Service Training Results Seminar (PPPM) took place at the Widya Sabha Mandala Auditorium, Faculty of Humanities, Udayana University (FIB Unud). This event took place in a hybrid manner and closed symbolically with the beating of the gong by the Dean of FIB Unud, Dr. Made Sri Satyawati, S.S., M.Hum. The Dean of FIB Unud in his remarks said that the holding of this activity was a form of implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, namely education, research, and community service. He also hopes that this PPPM can spur anthropology students to obtain thesis topics and graduate on time.


"My hope is that through this PPPM it will continue until we achieve our common goal of graduating on time, with the PPPM momentum this activity can be carried out as material for your (student) research data, so you just have to compile it, so that an interest in imparting knowledge is created between siblings. level to their juniors," said the Dean of FIB Unud.


On the same occasion Aliffiati, S.S., M.Sc. as the Coordinator of the Anthropology Study Program FIB Udayana University reported that PPPM is an annual agenda, where last year there was a vacuum due to the pandemic so research was carried out from each other's homes. Meanwhile this year in the middle of the omicron, PPPM was attended by 94 students from semesters II, IV and VI to study with the Pedawa community. His hope is that PPPM will become one of the courses in the Anthropology Study Program or MBKM, because so far this activity is a requirement for submitting a thesis proposal for students of the Anthropology Study Program FIB Unud.


"PPPM is an annual activity in the Anthropology Study Program, last year it was suspended due to the pandemic and this year it can be carried out amidst an increasing number of omicrons. Our courage and recklessness was considered by the head of the village and the local residents to accept our presence and the Dean of FIB allowed it with the consideration that the village would accept. PPPM activities were attended by 94 students from semesters II, IV, and VI. They were invited to the village to study directly with the community, this was part of an effort to foster cultural literacy among students with residential techniques, for 5 days they became adopted children of pedawa residents, and it turned out that this activity really inspired the villagers and especially the students, they were very enthusiastic. In the future, we hope that PPPM activities can be used as a subject matter in the study program or can be converted/recognised and can become one of the MBKM in the study program because so far this PPPM has been used by the study program as one of the requirements for submitting a thesis proposal. And hopefully this activity can inspire student thesis, even though previously there were 7 theses at the Pedawa location, there are still many interesting things that can be studied anthropologically from Pedawa village," said the Coordinator of Anthropology Study Program FIB Unud.


Meanwhile, Kadek Rama Ari Prasetya as Chair of the Committee reported that the background of this year's PPPM activities carried the research theme "Pedawa Tourism Village in the Frame of Promoting Culture and Intangible Cultural Heritage". The purpose of this event is to provide a forum for PPPM participants to hone and develop their soft skills as young anthropologists. Technically the participants live with residents and are divided into 6 hamlets in Pedawa Village, namely Asah Hamlet, Desa Hamlet, Lambo Hamlet, Bangkiang Sidem Hamlet, Munduk Waban Hamlet, and Insakan Hamlet. With the support of the village heads, we can live in 14 houses scattered throughout the hamlet with the Pedawa community. The community service program held focuses on promoting village tourism and promoting community groups and products owned by Pedawa Village through social media.


"PPPM is a routine activity that is carried out every year, the activities are packaged innovatively by students who are members of the committee and accompanied by lecturers. I really hope that in the future I can make the event a success in the future. We would like to thank all the institutions and sponsors that we cannot mention one by one," said Joshua Everd Titihalawa as Chair of the Anthropology Student Association.


The agenda for the seminar results as well as the closing of the 2022 PPPM program was packaged in the form of 7 group presentations according to 7 elements of universal culture, including: 1) The Existence of the Kayoman Organization in Revitalizing Springs Based on Local Wisdom of the Bali Aga Community in Pedawa Village; 2) The Tika Calendar System as a Form of Knowledge of the Local Wariga Culture in the Life of the Pedawa Village Community; 3) Series of Death Ceremonies in Pedawa Village, Banjar District, Kab. Buleleng 4) The Existence of Woven Bamboo Craftsmen in the Modernization Era in Pedawa Tourism Village, Banjar District 5) Palm Sugar as a Superior Product of the Pedawa Society; 6) The Role of Local Communities in the Planning and Development of New Style Tourism in Pedawa Village, Banjar District, Buleleng Regency, Bali 7) Ngelebengang: Local Wisdom of the Pedawa Village Community in Making Palm Sugar. The ceremonial event of the PPPM 2022 series of events was closed with the beating of the gong by the Dean of FIB Unud, Dr. Made Sri Satyawati, S.S., M.Hum. and all Anthropology lecturers guided by Ms. Aliffiati, S.S., M.Sc. as the Coordinator of the Anthropology Study Program FIB Unud.


The event ended with a photo session with lecturers, committee and participants of the 2022 Research and Community Service Training. (ows)