Anthropology Study Program FIB Unud Opens the 2022 PPPM Event

The Anthropology Study Program together with Anthropology Student Relatives, Faculty of Humanities, Udayana University (FIB Unud), officially opened the Research and Community Service Training (PPPM) event on January 20, 2022 at the Widya Sabha Mandala Auditorium, Prof. Dr. Ida Bagus Mantra FIB Unud. The event which took place in a hybrid manner was symbolically opened by beating the gong by the Dean of FIB Unud who was represented by Deputy Dean III for Student Affairs, Dr. Ni Ketut Ratna Erawati, M.Hum.

Vice Dean III in her remarks said that holding this activity could provide positive benefits both at the Himaprodi, Study Program, Faculty, to University levels. He also expressed his hope that this year's PPPM could be implemented in earnest so as to obtain optimal results, as well as motivating students to fulfill 30% participation in the MBKM (Freedom Learn Independent Campus) program.

Meanwhile, Kadek Rama Ari Prasetya as Chair of the Committee reported that the field activities to be held in February at Pedawa Village, Buleleng Regency, carried the theme "Aditya Dewari" with the aim of fostering social sensitivity and developing scientific studies of Anthropology students on the Bali Aga community. This year's PPPM was packaged with several series including Sharing Sessions, Group Facilitator Gatherings, Pre-PPPM, Research Classes, Field Research, and ended with a Research Results Seminar.

"PPPM is a routine activity that is carried out every year, the activities are packaged innovatively by students who are members of the committee and accompanied by lecturers. We would like to thank all the institutions and sponsors that we cannot mention one by one," said Joshua Everd Titihalawa as Chair of the Anthropology Student Association.

The opening ceremony was packaged in the form of an introduction to the Anthropology lecturer guided by Ms. Aliffiati, S.S., M.Si. as Coordinator of the Anthropology Study Program FIB Udayana University, as well as debriefing material from five alumni across generations, including: [1] "Adaptation of Anthropology Lectures Abroad" by Retha Dungga (Management of the Arts Coalition), [2] "Intangible Cultural Heritage and Implementation The Law on the Advancement of Culture” by I Made Dharma Suteja (Head of BPNB Bali Province), [3] “Anthropology and Entrepreneurship” by Sarita Anggun Kinanti (ANGIN Advisory Associate), [4] “Visualization of Culture and Anthropology” by Jonas Sestakresna (Visual Artist), [5] “Anthropology and Community Empowerment” by Zaith Hatta (19th Young Teacher of the Indonesia Teaching Program).

"Today's activity ran smoothly and received enthusiasm from the participants, even though there were some technical difficulties, we were able to overcome them immediately. Considering that the event is taking place in a hybrid manner, the health protocol will still be enforced for attendees who come to the auditorium, "explained Ida Bagus Oka Wedasantara, S.Sos., M.Si. as a Lecturer for Anthropology Student Relatives. The event ended with a photo session with lecturers, debriefing speakers, committee and participants in the 2022 Research and Community Service Training. (ows)