Collaboration between Puska and Laura in the Development of Anthropology Laboratory

    In order to advance the development of Anthropology and improve the quality of learning facilities, the Cultural Anthropology Study Programme of Udayana University built a collaboration with the Department of Cultural Anthropology, Gadjah Mada University. This collaboration centres on developing the quality of research studies in Anthropology, through improving the quality of research laboratories. This activity is considered very necessary for facilities in developing quality in the Study Programme, especially in research activities. Because Puska as a laboratory has a vision to foster the desire to research both among lecturers and students. So that Puska not only accommodates research results, but also a place to provide opportunities to conduct research and also assist in conducting research analysis processes.

    Towards that end, a visit to Laura at the Department of Anthropology UGM was the right decision. Laura itself has become one of the successful Anthropology laboratories. Laura as a research division has been able to build a system in facilitating various researches from Anthropology academics of Universitas Gadjah Mada. Puska's visit was represented by Ms Aliffiati, S.S., M.Si., Taufik Agus Purnomo, S.Pd., M.A., Diaz Restu Darmawan, S.Pd., M.A., and Gede Budarse, S.Sos., M.Si. The representatives of Laura were welcomed by the Head of the Department of Anthropology UGM Dr. Atik Triatnawati, M.A. and the Head of Laura Dr. Muhammad Zamzam Fauzanafi, S.Ant., M.A. The discussion, which lasted almost 3 hours, provided important lessons for Puska on how to become a cultural laboratory in the current era.

    The great hope of this meeting is to establish more collaborations between the Cultural Anthropology Study Programme of Udayana University and the Department of Anthropology, Gadjah Mada University. It will be a great collaboration if there is cooperation between these two higher institutions. Which provides more benefits in the development of Socio-Cultural research from the point of view of Anthropology. So as to provide a variety of answers to the development of human life in contemporary times. Mainly contributing significantly to cultural community groups.