Cultural Anthropology Program Ready to Welcome 2024-2025 Semester
On Friday, January 10, 2025, the anthropology program of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences of Udayana University (FIB UNUD) held a meeting in the courtroom. This meeting was attended by most of the teachers of the program. This meeting is a routine activity of the study program to prepare the performance of service quality at the beginning of the lecture.
The main agenda of the meeting included the evaluation of study program activities during the odd semester, the distribution of lecturer teaching assignments for the even semester of the 2024-2025 academic year, and the planning of programs to be implemented during the even semester. The lecturers provided input and suggestions to improve the quality of future activities. Furthermore, the distribution of teaching assignments for the even semester was carried out by considering the expertise and time availability of each lecturer. This aims to ensure the teaching and learning process runs smoothly and effectively.
The meeting also discussed the implementation plan for new programs to be implemented during the even semester. Some of the proposed programs include increased collaboration with external institutions, curriculum development, and community service activities. This meeting is expected to have a positive impact on the development of the Anthropology program at FIB UNUD and improve the quality of education provided to students (Opik).