FGD on the Development of Puska
On Friday 15 November 2024 an important activity took place at the Cultural Anthropology Study Program of Udayana University. Several lecturers of cultural anthropology along with student representatives conducted an FGD (focus group discussion) at the Study Program office. The activity discussed the condition of PUSKA or the center for anthropology studies and plans to develop it into an anthropology laboratory at FIB UNUD.
Ms. Aliffiati, S.S., M.Si. as the coordinator of the Cultural Anthropology Study Program said that PUSKA had initially carried out various research and community service activities, but in the era of Covid-19 these activities were on hiatus and have continued until now. She hopes that the FGD will be a momentum for the development of PUSKA as an anthropology laboratory that can compete with PUSKA UI and LAURA UGM.
Some important points resulting from the FGD include, first, PUSKA becomes a forum for academic discussion for students and lecturers. Second, PUSKA must provide supporting facilities for research and community service conducted by students and lecturers. Third, there needs to be an inventory of research and community service that has been carried out previously as a form of portfolio published in various media. Fourth, PUSKA should ideally be a meeting place for academics and partners in the context of research collaboration and community service in the field of anthropology. Fifth, there must be a commitment from the Study Program to improve facilities and infrastructure at Puspa. Sixth, the importance of preparing SOPs and short-term and long-term strategic plans for PUSKA development.