INTHRO 2025: “LUMAKUNING TOYA” "Behaving Like Water That Continues to Follow the Conditions and Situations of Its Environment"
On January 30 - 31, 2025, located at Taman Pujaan Bangsa Margarana, Tabanan, Inthro 2025 or In To Anthropology activities were held organized by Krama Udayana, as the Cultural Anthropology Study Program Student Association, Udayana University. This activity raised the theme “Lumakuning Toya”, which means behaving like water that continues to follow the circumstances and situation of its environment. This activity is a mandatory activity for all new students of the Cultural Anthropology Study Program. This activity is carried out as an introduction to the Cultural Anthropology Study Program and Krama Udayana for all new students, and aims to increase the sense of kinship and as an adaptation process in this lecture period.
Inthro activities are divided into several series of activities, including the PK meeting online and offline, which aims to be a bounding stage before the peak of the event. Then is the peak of the event, the peak of the event began at 09.00 WITA with the head of the committee who gave an activity report and conveyed the purpose and importance of this activity. After that, remarks from the Manager of Taman Pujaan Bangsa Margarana and the Chairman of Krama period 2024 represented by the Deputy Chairman of Krama period 2024, as well as the official opening of the event. Furthermore, there were several material presentations from several alumni who discussed the experience and job prospects as anthropology graduates, then the Coordinator of the Cultural Anthropology Study Program who discussed the Anthropology Study Program, and the Chairperson of Krama in the 2025 management year who discussed the Cultural Anthropology Study Program Student Association for one hour and forty minutes. In addition to the presentation of the material, there are also some interesting games and outbound, namely guess who he is and connect the word games. Laughter, as well as a very warm atmosphere felt from the interaction of the committee and participants, supported by the beautiful scenery of the Pujaan Bangsa Margarana Park.
The event was closed with an inauguration performance by each group of participants, then continued with a megibung event or eating together with food that the committee had prepared for the participants, and finally the gotong royong activity and a group photo session of the participants and the committee which became the closing or end of the Inthro 2025 activity. This activity went smoothly and received a very positive response from the participants, alumni, lecturers and visiting anthropology students from Brawijaya University and Gadjah Mada University. Through this activity, it is hoped that Inthro can become a better and more inspiring annual Krama event. These minutes are made to document the course of Inthro 2025 activities this time. Hopefully this activity can continue to grow and provide sustainable benefits for all students and become an early learning platform for new students before going through other stages in the lecture period (Niken).