LIA III 2022: Coffee in Indonesian Culture

The Scientifical Anthropology Competition (LIA) III is one of the activities under the Cultural Anthropology Program and Kerabat Mahasiswa Antropologi (Krama). This activity was held as a commemoration of the 60th anniversary of Udayana's Anthropology with the theme "Coffee in Indonesian Culture". LIA III is expected to accommodate the increase in the willingness and ability of undergraduate students, especially Anthropology, in producing high-quality scientific papers that are worthy of participation in PIMNAS and publication in reputable national journals. This activity has been carried out for the third time, after the Anthropology Scientific Competition which has been held annually since 2020. This series of activities consists of a Workshop, a Scientific Article Writing Competition, and a Seminar.


The LIA III workshop in collaboration with the Balai Pelestarian Nilai Budaya (BPNB) was held online on September 12, 2022. This event was attended by 78 participants and presented by 3 speakers, with subjects such as "How to Write Scientific Papers'', "Coffee in Anthropology Perspective" and "Coffee from a Practitioner's Point of View''. The first speaker is Dr. Pande Made Kutanegara, M.Sc. as an academician. He is a companion lecturer for Gajah Mada University students who won the 2019 PKM PIMNAS activity. The next speaker is Mr. Hardian Eko Nurseto, S.Sos., M.Sc. as an academician and practitioner. He is a Lecturer in Culinary Anthropology at Padjadjaran University and a participant in Masterchef Indonesia Season 8. The last speaker is I Wayan Hadi Hermawan, S.Sos. He is a Coffee Activist and Businessman who is a graduate of Anthropology at Udayana University. Video recordings can be watched again on the youtube page: 


The scientific writing competition as the main activity of LIA III starts from August 30 to September 25, 2022. This event was attended by undergraduate students from various universities throughout Indonesia. The collected articles will be published so the authors are patented to avoid plagiarism. A total of 12 articles were collected with the determination of 6 winners. There is Karunia Haganta from Universitas Indonesia as 1st winner, Si Gede Bandem Kamandalu from Universitas Udayana as 2nd winner, Ni Nyoman Era Jumantini from Universitas Udayana as 3rd winner, Ni Putu Ayu Meiliana Putri from Universitas Udayana as 1st runner up, I Dewa Ayu Febriani from Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha as 2nd runner up, and Avelina Fatima Mulia from Universitas Udayana as 3rd runner up. The assessment was carried out by three judges from academics, government and practitioners who are competent in their fields.


1st to 3rd winners who were selected presented their own articles at the Seminar held in conjunction with the Jaringan Kekerabatan Antropologi Indonesia (JKAI) Workshop collaborates with the Universitas Sumatera Utara as a host. This activity was attended by an Anthropology delegation from 12 Universities in Indonesia, namely USU, UNIMAL, UNAND, ISI PP, UNUD, UI, UNKHAIR, UNHAS, UNIPA, UNCEN, UNTAD, and UNIMED.


The presented topics are "Brewing Coffee at Under Skyscraper: Starling and Metropolitan Informality" by Karunia Haganta, "Coffee: Living in the Traditions and Religious Activities of the Balinese Hindu Society" by Si Gede Bandem Kamandalu, and "Ethnoagronomy: The Existence of the Coffee Agroindustry to Support the Empowerment of the Belok Sidan Village Communityā€¯ by Ni Nyoman Era Jumantini. Then there was also a symbolic handing over of trophies for the champions represented by the chairman of Krama, Joshua Everd, on October 6th, 2022. The Seminar is the end of all events in LIA III 2022. The recorded video can be watched again on the youtube page: (ows)