Seminar of LIA IV 2023 Results: Food Independence Based on Local Wisdom
In order to grow and accommodate
student creativity in terms of papers and ethnophotography, the Cultural
Anthropology study program at Udayana University held an activity called the
Scientific Anthropology Competition (LIA). This year, LIA has entered its
fourth year since it was first implemented in 2020. LIA IV has the theme
"Food Independence Based on Local Wisdom," and is structured around
several series of activities. One of the events is a colloquium of results from
LIA IV 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners this time. As the closing of all series
of LIA IV events, the results seminar was held on Friday, September 29 2023 at
BPNB Bali.
seminar on the results of LIA IV was held not only to introduce and appreciate
the speakers. More than that, this activity was carried out with the hope of
motivating participants to be more enthusiastic about their work and it is
hoped that participants can increase their insight in terms of presenting an
ethnophotographic papers. Looking at the current situation, most of young
people prefer modern things, so this seminar also explains how local wisdom can
support national resilience, especially in the food sector.
to the entire series of LIA IV activities, the results seminar is the closing
activity after the previous activities, namely the workshop, registration and
collection of works, judging, and the announcement of the competition winners.
Taking approximately 7 months to prepare, LIA IV was successfully implemented
according to the previously fixed target time schedule. During this time, all
preparations were carried out thoroughly in order to run the activity smoothly
and minimize "miscommunication" between the committee, participants
and speakers. Regarding the time for the seminar, through a rundown of
activities, all preparations for the day start from 10.00 WITA for the
committee, until ending at 16.20 WITA.
seminar received several positive opinions regarding the implementation of LIA
this year from competition participants, seminar participants and speakers. For
the competition participants, this activity is expected to be carried out
regularly every year as a forum for student creativity in honing their
reasoning and abilities in creating scientific papers. Mrs. Alif, as the Head of
the Cultural Anthropology Study Program at Udayana University, believes that
activities like this are very useful for training students' sensitivity to the
situation around them, especially regarding the existence and role of food as
part of local wisdom.
participation of several parties has a big influence on the success of this
year's LIA implementation. Involving several students from the Cultural
Anthropology study program at Udayana University as the committee, the Head of
the Cultural Anthropology Study Program at Udayana University as the person in
charge of the activity, as well as several lecturers who accompanied them
during the activity. Apart from that, the enthusiasm of the participants, both
competition participants and seminar participants, is very worthy of
appreciation in order to improve the next activities. (ji)
link for LIA IV seminar: