Taking the Theme of Diversity on the 61st Anniversary, Udayana Cultural Anthropology Strengthens Study Programme Branding in Bali-Nusra Culture

The Cultural Anthropology Study Program of Udayana University held a National Seminar with the theme "Interpreting Diversity, Knitting Brotherhood" as a series of events in welcoming the 61st Anniversary of the Cultural Anthropology Study Program and the 65th Anniversary of FIB on Friday, (15/9/23) in a hybrid manner at Widya Sabha Mandala Auditorium, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Udayana University and via YouTube. The event was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Udayana University, Mrs. Prof. Dr. Made Sri Satyawati, S.S., M.Hum., Coordinator of the Cultural Anthropology Study Program, Udayana University, Mrs. Aliffiati, S.S., M.Si., as well as three great speakers namely, President of Asian African Youth Government, Mr. Respiratori Saddam Al Jihad, Widyaiswara BKPSDM Bali Province, Mr. Drs. Made Dharma Putra, MT., CH., and Professor of Sociology of Religion UNHI, Prof. Dr. IB. Gde Yudha Triguna, M.S.

In line with the theme set and approved by the Coordinator of the Cultural Anthropology Study Program at Udayana University, Mrs. Aliffiati, S.S., M.Si in the 61st Anniversary of Anthropology this year, the Anthropology Study Program is getting stronger in the introduction as well as branding the study program as one of the study programs in the Faculty of Cultural Sciences which has a focus in the research area, namely Bali-Nusa Tenggara by presenting the Tiba Meka dance which is a traditional dance from Manggarai NTT to welcome guests, as well as the tortor dance from the Batak tribe in North Sumatra. 

In a report submitted by the Chairperson of the Organising Committee of the 61st Anniversary of the Anthropology Study Program, Dr. I Wayan Suwena, M. Hum, said that the purpose of this event was to make people more aware and deepen knowledge about the plurality of Indonesian society which consists of various ethnic groups and foster awareness to foster a sense of brotherhood and increase the degree of integration of Indonesia. "The seminar is expected to inspire all participants, therefore the committee invited three experts who will discuss three topics relevant to the theme of this seminar," he said.

The implementation of this seminar is also a valuable momentum for Dr. I Wayan Suwena, M. Hum, because the successful implementation of this event is a form of his dedication to the study program as well as his love for preserving the culture of the archipelago before retirement.

In line with what was conveyed by Mr. Dr. I Wayan Suwena, M. Hum., the Dean of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Udayana University, Mrs. Prof. Dr. Made Sri Satyawati, S.S., M.Hum., said that she really hoped that with the holding of this academic pulpit event whatever would be delivered could be applied in improving the quality of hard skill and soft skill competencies for the Study Program later. 

In addition to cultural performances in the form of welcoming dances, the seminar room was also presented with an exhibition of traditional houses and typical clothing from various regions in the archipelago, joget bumbung dances and closed with entertainment in the form of singing various songs including archipelago folk songs.