The Governor of Bali Chooses to Attend the National Youth Seminar on Cultural Anthropology, Faculty of Humanities, Udayana University

The Cultural Anthropology Study Program, Faculty of Humanities, Udayana University held a National Youth Seminar with the theme " MOMENTUM PRESIDENSI G20: Kolaborasi & Penguatan Peran Generasi Muda untuk Indonesia Maju ". On Friday, November 25 2022 which took place at the Widya Sabha Mandala Auditorium, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Udayana University. The event which started at 09.28 WITA presented the Governor of Bali, Dr. Ir. Wayan Koster, M.M. as the keynote speaker, as well as great speakers, namely the Chairperson of the Badung Regency KPU, I Wayan Semara Cipta, A.Md. and young influencer, Ida Ayu Keysha Zeta Blanco Oka, who is more familiarly known as Zeta Balanco. Also present at the event were the Bali Provincial Culture Office, Prof. Dr. I Gede Arya Sugiartha, S.Skar., M.Hum., Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, Udayana University, Prof. Dr. Made Sri Satyawati, S.S., M.Hum. along with the Deputy Deans, Study Program Coordinators and Students at FIB.

The remarks were started by the Dean of the Udayana Faculty of Humanities, Mrs. Prof. Dr. Made Sri Satyawati, S.S., M.Hum., he expressed his gratitude to all invited guests who attended the seminar this morning, as well as conveyed to all students who attended as participants, that it is hoped that through this National Youth Seminar all students can channeling their thoughts and ideas to find out more about what this nation needs "so this is an opportunity for younger siblings to ask questions, to give opinions, to know and gain insight into what is needed by our nation and our country".

In the midst of a busy schedule, the Governor of Bali, Dr. Ir. Wayan Koster, M.M. as the keynote speaker, he revealed that in an effort to increase the role of the younger generation for advanced Indonesia, it is through strengthening culture first. Where we in Bali have a rich culture and we must develop it continuously. Moreover, during the momentum of the G20 a few days ago, the number one person in Bali said that the smoothness and success of holding the G20 Presidency in Bali is inseparable from the local wisdom possessed by the community.

The National Youth Seminar on the Momentum of the G20 Presidency: Collaboration & Strengthening the Role of Young Generation for Advanced Indonesia is one of the seminars held by the Faculty of Humanities and run by the Cultural Anthropology Study Program at Udayana University, as a form of support for the G20 Presidency to build life a better nation, especially for the younger generation who will hold the baton.

During the visit, the Governor of Bali took the time to tour Faculty of Humanities Build, the first campus at Udayana University known as the "People's Revelation Campus" accompanied by the Dean, Coordinator of the Cultural Anthropology Study Program, Aliffiati, S.S., M.Si., and Chair of the Committee for the National Youth Seminar, Ida Bagus Oka Wedasantara, S.Sos., M.Si. On this occasion, the Governor of Bali greatly appreciated the Faculty of Humanities community because they did not forget one of the initiators of the founding of Udayana University as well as the First President of the Republic of Indonesia, Dr. Ir. Soekarno by taking care of all the inauguration inscriptions and photo documentation of Mr Soekarno when he inaugurated Udayana University. (ows)